A New Socially Engaged Buddhism In 21St Centure Japan : From Intimate Intimata Care to Social Ethice
An Engaged Buddhist History of Japan from the Ancient to the Modern.
The Theory of Everything and Nothing
From Atoms to Anatta, DNA to Karma, Black Holes to Nirvana, Einstein to Buddha and Science to Dharma.
This book touches on salient points Beauty of Buddhism.
ABC now stands for Buddhist Connection, we are interested to help connect active Buddhists from various part of world and Asia in particular The conference was offered in Thailand for this purpose.
With the turn of the new millennium, Theravada Bhikkhunis are coming forward.
Hans van Willenswaard is a Dutch citizen who live with his wife Wallapa in Thailand. Hans grew up in a small town at the Nort Sea coast near Loverendale farm.
The Fusion of Science and Dharma
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